Dental Facets

Despite the daily care, our teeth can be damaged, broken, devitalized or exposed to decay due to various factors, which can sometimes be hereditary. The dental facet is one of the preferred methods to improve the appearance of the smile, it is a thin tooth-shaped facet that is stuck with strong adhesives after the necessary treatments on the teeth.

Dental Facets Methods

The teeth are graven in certain dimensions and all measures are taken for the manufacture of facets. The materials of its manufacture are varied. An amount of dental tissue must be available to treat the dental facet.

Porcelain Dental Facets

The porcelain dental facets or veneers is the most preferred method because the facets are glued over the teeth after being prepared in the laboratory as thin layers. This method can fix many problems such as deformation or broken teeth. Falling problems of porcelain dental facets are very rare.

Porcelain Dental Facets with Metal Support

The only difference between this application and the porcelain method is that it consists of applying a mixture of metal on the surface of the layers before installing them on the tooth. This application increases the strength of the tooth and gives the surface a dark color away from its natural appearance. For this reason, it is best not to use it on the front teeth, but only on the back ones.

Zirconium Dental Facets

Zirconium is resistant to heat, cold, and shock. One of the most important reasons for its use in dental treatments is its white color. The metallic material used in the zirconium facets is very close to the color of the tooth with its light transmittance. This gives the tooth a natural appearance. The zirconium dental facet, which has a long life, does not discolour.

Tooth Crown

This method differs from previous methods where the teeth are graven not only on the surface but completely. The crowns are placed on the tooth like a hat made of zirconium or porcelain.

Advantages Of The Dental Facets

The dental facets is very beneficial in providing proper alignment of the teeth, improving the appearance without loss of teeth and is a quick and easy method of treatment. Patients get an aesthetic structure of the mouth and teeth easily through the dental facets. The dental facets are very robust. However, since hard foods are harmful to our real teeth, they are also harmful to the facets.

Price of Dental Facets

We explained the dental facets methods and the differences between them. The prices of facets may vary according to the treatment modalities and the needs of the patient.

Prof. Dr. İlker Erdogan
Dentist Clinic

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